Wouldn’t it be nice if you could sit down and talk to your team of spirit guides? Now you can! Pearl’s ability to communicate with spirit guides on the Causal Plane allows her to share with you the wisdom and loving guidance from your team. This is your chance to ask questions that relate to your soul’s life plan and understand why things are happening in your life and how they serve your spiritual growth. A session with Pearl can be life-changing and if you think it is for you can schedule a session below. For questions, please go over the FAQ section below. For questions not addressed you may contact us here.
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One Session of 60 minutes $100
One Session of 90 minutes $130
Gift Certificates
What better way to help someone than to give them a gift of insight and understanding?
If someone you know deserves something unique and memorable for their birthday, holiday, anniversary, or just because you want them to know how much you appreciate them – get a gift card.
Each gift certificate comes with your personalized message and will be sent to you electronically, or if you prefer, directly to the lucky recipient.
Are all sessions in English?
Pearl is bilingual and offers sessions in both English and Danish.
Will we meet in person or how does it work?
Currently I only do video call on Microsoft Teams.
Will I need more than one session?
For some people checking in with their spirit guides once can be all they need. Others are working intensely to understand their soul’s purpose and they may use Pearl’s gift regularly. There is no right or wrong, it’s a matter of preference.
Who is Pearl talking to; my guides or hers?
Both! As you start the session, Pearl will tune in. Her guides are always with her and often she experiences that if you haven’t spoken to your guides before they are eager and excited to get the opportunity to communicate with you. She says that each team of spirit guides comes with its unique energy. Some are calm like grandparents while others feel bobbly, childlike, or with a wicked sense of humor. Each team of spirit guides brings with them a sense of overwhelming love for “their” human.
Do I need to prepare before the session?
It’s a good idea to relax 10-15 minutes before the session to focus your attention.
Find a quiet place and avoid distractions while you talk to Pearl.
Write down your questions if you like.
The sessions are not recorded, but feel free to take notes.
Are the sessions recorded?
No, they are not. Feel free to take notes instead and ask clarifying questions.
Do you offer past life regressions?
It happens often in a session that your spirit guides will show Pearl a previous lifetime of yours if it affects your current life.
Are there questions my spirit guides can’t answer?
Your spirit guides can answer any questions but sometimes they won’t. This typically has to do with respecting other’s right to privacy.
In other cases, having too detailed an answer might make you reluctant to make your own decisions.
Your guides are eager to offer you loving support and guidance, but they do not wish to control your life.
Pearl is a very old soul herself and channels infinite wisdom from your guides, but it’s important to remember that she cannot predict the future, or offer any sort of medical or legal advice.
What if they tell me something I don’t want to know?
Most sessions serve to validate what your soul already knows.
Your guides are wise, compassionate, and your biggest fans. They won’t tell you something if it doesn’t serve you to know.
What if I don’t have spirit guides?
We all have spirit guides, and most are eager to talk to us.
So far, Pearl has experienced only one person whose spirit guides weren’t that interested in speaking to her. Their short message was that the client had strong abilities herself and didn’t need an interpreter if she only tuned in and listened. The client now works with Pearl on strengthening her abilities.
How can I contact you if I have a question that isn’t answered already?
Through info@pearlbeacon.com
What people are saying
My words cannot amount to the depths of gratitude I have in my heart for Pearl. Her unwavering spirit in what is so clearly her souls’ purpose in this life is deeply moving, reaching parts of your entire being that you have been longing for or maybe already knew. Through her channeling, I was able to connect with my spirit guides and receive what felt like a sort of remembrance of my own souls purpose.
It is something that only when you meet with her brings you back to the core of all that you are and the divinity between all that we are as a collective. Something beyond us but inside of us all at the same time.
Pearl is truly a BEACON of light.
Keely Clark
Meeting Pearl was such an honor. She immediately made me feel a sense of peace and love. She was honest and kind and so present with me and with everything that came up in our session together. Pearl provided me with messages that healed some areas of my heart that I had overlooked, while empowering me holistically. I so look forward to the next time I get to connect with her. Truth and wisdom shine through her with grace and ease. I’m so grateful to have connected with her!!
Nicki Tuttle
Undoubtedly, Pearl is a magical individual with an extraordinary gift. It is an immense privilege to experience her gift and to simply get to know her. This was my first time doing anything of this nature, and she was kind enough to explain everything to me. I cannot emphasize this enough—we did not know each other prior to our session yet she spoke with chillingly accurate observations and messages from my spirit guides, which display her unmatched gifts and talents. I really did not know what to expect from our session together, and I left feeling empowered, inspired, and seen. Our session was loving, organic, and magical. I highly recommend Pearl’s services to anyone who wants to know more about their own spirit guides.
Susan Song
5/5 Stars!
How did I like it? Well, after my meeting with Pearl I immediately suggested 3-4 of my friends do the same! What an authentic, calming experience- The sense of peace and tranquility I absorbed from my meeting stuck with me for the rest of the day and well into the next. I felt at ease, like I could ask her anything, and a sense of connectedness to something bigger. The knowledge I gained during my time with her is something I’ll remember always and take with me everywhere. No matter what your beliefs are, speaking with Pearl will be an experience you do not forget; You will walk away better for it, and with a heightened sense of perspective that you can’t get anywhere else. Thank you Pearl!
Chelsea Margeson
Wow, speaking with Pearl (Or through Pearl) was such an amazing and powerful experience. I felt deeply connected and understood during my session. It was like I was hanging out with my guardians. Speaking with/through Peal gave me a sense of peace, I could feel love and patience all around me.
There was a deep experience of vulnerability and love, there was no judgment, no shame, just peace. In the truest sense, there was a profound experience of being seen and understood. While this at first feels a bit scary, it was awe inspiring and beautiful to hear through someone else what your heart/body/mind has been trying to do for years. I left my conversation feeling inspired, yet grounded in peace and calmness. Life struggles are now seen as an honor, an opportunity, a chance to grow and become the best version of myself. All things in this world happen for us, not to us.
I highly recommend meeting Pearl, she has a gift and it’s a blessing to speak with her, or should I say…through her! 🙂
Zachary Batson
I had an amazing EYE opening session with Pearl!
She has the most blessed talent!
Everything we talked about had happened or IS happening! And it is so exciting to go through!
She has an old soul and a beautiful heart and she tells it like it is!
I can NOT wait to do it again!
Brandee Crnich
I will start by saying I went into this conversation a bit of a skeptic, but was hopeful for some guidance on a few things that have been weighing heavily on me lately. Pearl was wonderful, understanding, calming and excellent at explaining what the goal of this conversation was. I do feel that she has a true gift, to not only connect us with our spirit guides, but also to connect with people who reach out to her for help. I felt at ease and definitely connected to something other than what I can see. Some things were brought to light for me that I was not even aware of, however completely resonated with me. I highly recommend setting up a session with her, go in with an open mind and you will not be disappointed.
Jamie Philips
Jeg havde en meget inspirerende session med Merle, som åbnede nye døre og veje i livet.
Det var utrolig behageligt og bekræftende at tale med Merle og med hendes hjælp opdage, at noget, jeg længe havde drømt om, faktisk er en muligt.
Jeg fik spændende oplysninger om mig selv og vejledning til redskaber, der kunne hjælpe mig videre mod mit mål.
Mette Markman
Mine samtaler med Merle har hjulpet mig til at forstå mig selv bedre, hendes beskrivelse af mig som person og alle de spørgsmål jeg havde uden at jeg sagde noget var spot-on. Gennem mine samtaler med Merle har jeg fået klarhed over nogle ting i mit liv og fået styrke til at tro på mig selv. Jeg kan klart anbefale Merle. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg har brugt Merle.
I really enjoyed my session with Pearl and was blown away at how genuine and transparent she was about the process and it made the experience very easy to engage with. She made the experience very fun and entertaining with a lot of deep, emotional moments that left me feeling empowered and awoken. Asking my spirit guides questions about my soul and its journey was an eye opening experience that not only gave me some confirmation and validation, but also a different lens in which to seek out answers internally. It allowed me to ask different questions in different ways and explore myself on a new level.
During our session she was able to channel my mother who had passed away a year before, she kept telling us about sippy cups, sippy cups, sippy cups. The next day in my son’s room I found three sippy cup bottles and started to laugh. The whole process was such an amazing experience and I loved every moment, Pearl was a compassionate and professional reader and I would highly recommend her for your reading as well!
Eric Margeson
Pearl is the real deal. I had chills throughout my entire body during my session with her. It was immediately and consistently apparent that Pearl is truly gifted and connected in a way that is rare and extremely helpful. Pearl is a wise and wonderfully ancient soul that emanates pure unconditional love. I would highly recommend connecting with Pearl for anyone that is considering it. I will be scheduling another session with her in the near future.
Austin Upton
Pearl is such a beautiful individual; I am so grateful to have been connected with her. She is so kind and wise, it’s hard to put into words what this experience meant to me. I’ve never been able to conceptualize my thoughts, my beliefs, or my spirituality before my conversation with Pearl. I’ve always known what was true to me, connections, intuition, and feelings I had, but I could never seem to vocalize, or even think, the way I can now. Speaking to my guides was such a blessing; it’s a rewarding experience that I highly recommend. It truly brought me clarity while simultaneously opening the door to a whole new level of curiosity. I am still beyond curious, with SO many more questions. But even just one session has brought me closer to my soul purpose and who I believe I can be. I am humbled to have met Pearl—thank you so much! I can’t wait to talk to her again and converse with Mother Nature 😊
Kelsie Quintero
Pearl is an incredible being. From the moment we started talking, I felt so comfortable. She explained her story and her process so well, and made it feel as if I were talking to an old friend. I was able to meet my spirit guides for the first time through her and she was able to describe their energy in such a way that made me feel warm and loved. I was able to ask my guides questions, and Pearl would communicate their answers. She was also able to provide her own insight and put their messages in an easy to understand context in a way no one else was ever able to. I was also able to ask Pearl questions myself, and she would answer from a loving perspective and give me answers, stories, and suggestions on how to connect with my higher self and my guides. I would highly recommend Pearl to anyone. I have already raved to my friends about her and will continue to. I look forward to our next session!
Savannah Schmidt
Efter en session hos Merle må jeg nok sige, at jeg i den grad er positivt overrasket. Hun har virkelig nogle evner indenfor dette område, som jeg på ingen måde har oplevet før. Derudover er hun virkelig sød og forstående. Jeg vil helt klart anbefale andre at få en session hos hende, og det er på ingen måde den sidste session, jeg har haft hos hende
Philip Valentin
Tusind TAK for en helt fantastisk session idag
Vi kom godt rundt i det spirituelle, og med din dygtighed og erfaring fik vi mange klare og meget brugbare beskeder.
Jeg fornemmede tydeligt din erfaring med at kommunikere med “mit himmelske råd” og at du er velbevandret og meget sikker i din sag.
De varmeste anbefalinger fra mig til alle dem, som også kunne have stor hjælp fra en session eller flere med dig
Jane Valentin, Haderslev
I went into this extremely nervous not knowing what to expect, but Pearl quickly made me feel at ease.
After explaining some details to me, the session began. Pearl provided me with some answers that helped me understand some of my relationships in this lifetime. Throughout the session, I was emotional; I laughed a lot, got teary eyes at times, but more than anything, I felt really happy.
Everything Pearl mentioned is something that I have gone through or am currently working on.
This was such an amazing experience. I highly recommend a session with her.
Thank you Pearl.